Raider Orchestra Handbook (Note: this may take extra time to download)

Registration for 2023-2024

REGISTRATION Form- Student Orchestra Registration, Fees & T-Shirt Form 2023 – 2024

Please email Mr. Mitchell directly if you have not done private lessons before and would like to start.

Elective Course Signups (Learn about the Orchestra, Instruments and choosing an instrument)

OTHER Orchestra Donations and Fees (To donate or pay for fees if you missed registration)


PAT 2023 is scheduled! It will be Saturday, October 28th, 1-3pm, at HPMS.

PAT is our only fundraiser of the year. It is a 2-part event. First part occurs before the PAT party where students are asked to raise money linked to how much they practice. At this point in the year there is a lot to practice between concert music and Regionals for some. To thank the students for all their practice time and fundraising, both the Raider Orchestra and Raider Band Booster Clubs hold a PAT combined party. It is a fun day with games, food and hanging out with friends.

In past years funds raised have supported buses to get students to competitions along with purchasing strings, music stands, instruments and more. Some funds are used for social with pizza and fun things for the students. We really appreciate every and all donation as 100% goes to the orchestra. To donate please complete the donation form.